If you have the right experience and you are passionate about what we do, we would love to hear from you. Why not join us to serve as a member, or a partner in any one of our teams. If you are interested, just click on the ‘Get Involved‘ button below and complete the form to express your interest.

Through our TV programs and broadcasting the oppressed are saved, souls are delivered from the powers of darkness. Peopleare receiving tremendous miracles through this atation. We kindly ask for your kind donation to help meet financial demands and bligations so we can bring Christ close to your door.

Outreach Ministry
Amb Bishop Sam Owusu outreach ministry is one of the ministries the Lord has given to the Servan of the Lord to hold crusades, revivals to revive church in Ghana and the world at large. Over the years crusades has been held in Sierra Leone, Liberia, South Africa and others cpontries. We ask for your support to support this ministry to advance God’s agenda.

Pottersville Church
By the gravce of God the church is expending tremendously, we ask you to partner us so we can bring Pottersville church to your door step.